Deborah Gardner trained as an Architectural Technologist and has over twenty years experience in the building industry. It was whilst working as a technician that she was introduced to the world of conservation, engaged as part of a team refurbishing Lewes Crown Courts and historic buildings owned by the Ministry of Defence.
From that point Deborah became passionate about the South East’s built heritage and has worked exclusively in the field of conservation, particularly within the field of repair. Whilst employed by professional Architects and Building Surveyors Deborah worked as Contracts Administrator on behalf of English Heritage, on numerous monuments within East Sussex & Kent, and private clients producing drawings and specifications for the consolidation and repair of masonry and timber-framed buildings.

Having gained academic qualifications in Building Conservation and becoming an accredited member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, Deborah launched her own company, DGC Historic Buildings Consultants in November 2002.
Almost immediately Deborah’s extensive technical knowledge of traditional materials and methods were recognised and she became historic buildings consultant to a number of Local Planning Authorities within the area, appointed to advise on planning and listed building applications, assess information in pursuant of the discharge of conditions, provide training and advise staff within Development Control and Building Control as well as contractors and owners of the implications of works, either repair or new build to the historic fabric.